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Best way to reach during business hours: HomeCellWork
Other family members have had: BracesJaw SugeryOther Do you have orthodontic insurance coverage? NoYes (please specify)SelfOther
Please check any of the following for which the patient has been treated:
ADD or ADHDAnemiaHay FeverStomach ProblemsAsthmaAutismTuberculosisPneumoniaEndocrine (Hormonal)Epilepsy / SeizuresFainting & dizzinessGrowth DisorderHeart MurmurHeart ProblemsHIV / AIDSDiabetesLatex AllergyLiver ProblemsMononucleosisNervous DisordersRheumatic FeverThyroidKidney ProblemsBleeding DisordersBone DisordersHepatitisHearing ProblemsEar AchesEye ProblemsOther
Please answer the following questions:
Is there a history of:
I, the undersigned, certify that I have read and understand the above medical and dental information, have reviewed it, and find it accurate. If there are any later changes to my clinical history, I recognize that it is my responsibility to infrom this office. I also give my permission for clinical examination.